Sunday 12 June 2011

Fudge and Chocolate are just the best of Flavour Friends!

"every cupcake needs to be different and PINK"

I was proud of these cupcakes
Had limited time to take pics so bare with me
I don't think the pics compares to the real deal in this case!
I had too much fun with these pretty pink Baby Shower Cupcakes!
Red-velvet with Cream Cheese filling and Turkish icing!

One Year Old and One amazing little girl!

A year has passed since my niece was born
She is the cutest thing(most aunties say that) but i really mean it
She is smart and pretty and she makes us all giggle
Our lives were boring before her
She is a blessing
I love you lots
More than cupcakes
She had a Mickey Mouse Party at daycare
and for our Family celebration i made these

Monday 6 June 2011

Pretty Fudge Cupcakes

Welcome home Oupa

My oups has moved back to our town
I really missed him

He always made my childhood so much fun
So in a way i wanted to show him how much he was missed
He loves reading (book)
and smokes a pipe (pipe)

Welcome back home Grandpa!!

Under the Sea Cupcakes

Since i was a little girl i dreamed of being a mermaid.. who hasn't? 
They are so beautiful
for a while i escaped to never-never-land and made some 
Under the sea Cupcakes

Clouds and Helicopters

Cupcakes for a  little boys' Baptism
What a fun challenge! 
These little Helicopters took a while to make but at the end they came out so cute!
The theme for the little boys room is helicopters so I incorporated clouds as the best match for the helicopters!